March, Merch, Mobility, Members

A few headlines in March:

Our friends at Bike Newton are circulating a petition for stronger support of bike-friendly infrastructure in Newton. The pandemic has brought out a passion for cycling in many people, and there are many reasons to make this environmentally-friendly, healthy, fun activity a daily habit. But for that to happen, it does need to be safer to bike in our city. Let’s work together to prioritize it.

With half of city council having joined Friends of Albemarle, we’ve added a new category: Members who are also Massachusetts State Legislators. Welcome, Senator Creem! We’re so glad to have you. Elected officials have an important role to play in advocating for our parks.

In March, the work continues on investing in keeping Gath pool functional and welcoming for the long term as we support efforts of Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture to fund a pool assessment.

Also in March, the merch continues. Have you gotten your “I Heart Albemarle” T-shirt/water bottle/tote bag/magnet yet? Yes? In that case, have you gotten your shower curtain?

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