Accident Gallery

This image gallery shows what we residents see day after day at Albemarle. Crashes and car parts scattered around the intersections of Crafts and Albemarle, and North and Crafts. These are three different accidents photographed by members of Friends of Albemarle. They usually happen during the day, on weekdays.

Over the past year, many people have taken pictures of crashes at Albemarle. Here are a few recent posts that feature them:

More than a fender-bender

Four High-Speed Crashes in Eight Weeks

The below image is from yet another crash at Watertown and Eddy Streets. While not at Albemarle, this is a very vulnerable intersection within a half mile of the park where speeding occurs regularly, as do crashes – often right into people’s front yards (not to mention the sidewalks!). This entire corridor of Newton requires more attention, enforcement and design in order to become safe for people traveling by foot or bicycle…and even by car!

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