Notice to all Albemarle Road Users

At the beginning of the spring sports season, we asked the permitting office to please send the below notice to everyone using Albemarle. So far, so great!


It’s the spring sports season! More drivers will be coming to Albemarle Road to play at Albemarle and Fessenden. 

This road has NEW RULES that all drivers must understand. 

Albemarle Road along the field and pool side is now ANGLED BACK-IN PARKING only. 

All drivers must provide space for the car in front of them to:

1. Pause

2. **Back up**

3. Take the time to angle in. 

Please don’t honk when someone parks!

Please don’t try to pull in forwards.

Click here to learn how to back-in park

There is now a bike lane on the left side of the road; please watch out for cyclists.

Curious about WHY Albemarle has back-in angled parking?

• Safety! This is a heavily used area with many conflict points and hundreds of school age children using Albemarle. We need to slow cars down, and establish clear paths for cycling and walking. 

• Back-in or head-out parking gives drivers a clear view when exiting a parking space. You can practice at Auburndale Cove, and watch the Mayor’s video.

More info here and here

Coming soon to this road: Seasonal speed cushions, flex posts, and a second bridge. 

To learn more, join Friends of Albemarle. It’s free and easy!

Thank you for your help,

The Board of Friends of Albemarle

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