But Does Back-In Parking Work on a Busy May Weeknight?

Back-in parking has been very successful at Albemarle during the day when regulars and school employees use it, but what happens when non-local users arrive for games and practices during the weeknight? We didn’t know what it would be like (and we even sent this email out to all permit holders at Albemarle to makeContinue reading “But Does Back-In Parking Work on a Busy May Weeknight?”

In Support of the Back-In Parking at Albemarle

To the Newton City Council and Mayor Fuller,  We’re writing to celebrate and praise the new back-in parking format and painted bike lane for Albemarle. It is safer than it has ever been.The new signage is abundantly clear, the stripes are visible and usefully placed, and we are observing nearly 100% compliance. On both weekendContinue reading “In Support of the Back-In Parking at Albemarle”

Back-in Parking Success

It is working! Morning, noon and night….whether for weekday work or weekend meet-ups on the playground, the people of Newton are expertly back-in parking at Albemarle. This road never been safer or less anxiety-provoking than it is today. Thank you to the Newton DPW, Transportation Department, Neighborways Team and others who made it happen!

Road Safety Update Nov 2023

Hi friends,  In our Fall Newsletter, we promised a separate update on road safety. Voila! Road Safety Update  1. Flex Posts 2. This Thursday: 4 Proposals About Albemarle/Crafts 3. Back-in Striping in Effect NOW at Albemarle 4. FOA Magnets and You FLEX POSTS All flex posts have been removed from the intersection of Albemarle and Crafts.  Within 24Continue reading “Road Safety Update Nov 2023”

Flex Posts

We’ve written to the Newton Traffic Council, and published in Fig City, the following letter: The board of Friends of Albemarle wants to share some insight about the experiences of pedestrians and cyclists using the intersection of Albemarle Rd. and Crafts St. ever since the flex posts were installed in the vicinity of this intersection. We haveContinue reading “Flex Posts”

Accident Gallery

This image gallery shows what we residents see day after day at Albemarle. Crashes and car parts scattered around the intersections of Crafts and Albemarle, and North and Crafts. These are three different accidents photographed by members of Friends of Albemarle. They usually happen during the day, on weekdays. Over the past year, many peopleContinue reading “Accident Gallery”

The NEW 20MPH Safety Zone…Have you seen these beauties?

Did you see the new 20 MPH Safety Zone signs up around Albemarle? Safety is a great look for our park. The new rules are in large thanks to you (and also thank you to our Traffic Council for approving them). Thank you petition signers!!

Our Support for the Traffic Calming Plan

We want to express our strong support for the Traffic Calming plan, which has received significant public input during the development period over the last few years, including from our organization. Our 501(c)3 nonprofit, Friends of Albemarle, launched in January 2021 and represents all 8 wards of the city. We collaborate closely with Newton cityContinue reading “Our Support for the Traffic Calming Plan”

FOUR high-speed accidents in EIGHT weeks

Click each photo to enlarge An Albemarle emergency: On an average of every other week for two months, there has been a major accident that totals vehicles and destroys infrastructure. (I assume it also injures people, but cannot confirm that.) Right now the corner of Albemarle and Crafts is a sea of snapped posts, cautionContinue reading “FOUR high-speed accidents in EIGHT weeks”