Today’s accident

Seen below, the accident from today at Albemarle and Crafts, a Mass DOT high-crash intersection. This is the third crash in the past month from speeding. Accident from 11/18 Accident from 12/8 There are safety recommendations for this intersection that are yet to be implemented. There is a petition to implement them (with 187 signersContinue reading “Today’s accident”

Another accident

Where is this? At the intersection of Albemarle and Crafts, which Mass DOT identified as a “high-crash” zone, and for which lengthy recommendations have been developed. A petition is actively collecting signatures to urge Newton to take the next step and implement the report action steps – please sign. What happened? Seems as though aContinue reading “Another accident”


Albemarle Traffic Calming and Bike Lane Public Information Session  Public information session from Newton’s Director of Transportation, Nicole Freedman: Thursday March 10 at 5:30 PM via zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 874 8238 9468 Passcode: 661700 Information on the project, including a copy of the presentation and proposal, will be posted here for reviewContinue reading “TONIGHT: TRAFFIC CALMING MEETING”