Growth and Improvement of Albemarle Fields

Dear City Council members and Mayor Fuller, Thank you for considering the growth and improvement of Albemarle fields.  As the board of Friends of Albemarle, a certified 501(c)3 with more than 500 members including a majority of City Council and two state representatives, we want to ensure that you’re aware of our unanimous perspective on the issue ofContinue reading “Growth and Improvement of Albemarle Fields”

Letter of Support for Flood Storage and Bank Restoration Along Cheesecake Brook

Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Manager Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs May 2, 2024 Re: RFR ENV 25 MVP 01 – Letter of Support for Flood Storage and Bank Restoration Along Cheesecake Brook Dear _________, I am writing to express support for the City of Newton’s application for the FY2025 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) ActionContinue reading “Letter of Support for Flood Storage and Bank Restoration Along Cheesecake Brook”

Letter of Support for Flood Storage and Bank Restoration Along Cheesecake Brook

May 2, 2024Re: RFR ENV 25 MVP 01 – Letter of Support for Flood Storage and Bank Restoration Along CheesecakeBrook Dear Ms. ———, I am writing to express support for the City of Newton’s application for the FY2025 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Action Grant to implement flood storage beneath the proposed Craft Street playing fieldContinue reading “Letter of Support for Flood Storage and Bank Restoration Along Cheesecake Brook”

FY25 Community Project Funding for the Albemarle Stormwater and Phosphorus Control Project

May 1st, 2024 The Honorable Jake Auchincloss 1524 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC, 20515-2104 Via email Re:      FY25 Community Project Funding Application Dear U.S. Representative Auchincloss, As President of the Friends of Albemarle, I am pleased to support the City of Newton’s application for FY25 Community Project Funding for the Albemarle Stormwater andContinue reading “FY25 Community Project Funding for the Albemarle Stormwater and Phosphorus Control Project”

Field Improvements Meeting 3/25

Newton PRC invites you to attend an upcoming virtual meeting to discuss project updates on Athletic Field Improvements at Albemarle, Burr School & McGrath.  Park Project Update meeting:  Monday, March 25th, 2024 at 6PM Register in advance for this webinar right here: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For moreContinue reading “Field Improvements Meeting 3/25”

Field Improvements Status

In our Winter newsletter, we shared a post on Field Improvements. Here is the stand-alone version! Fields, Lights, Trees, Courts and Paths – Moving Forward with No Delays A beautiful plan exists to upgrade Albemarle with more trees, better footpaths, rain gardens, playing fields, pickleball courts and better, smarter lighting (like Newton North). It’s approved, funded and in place.Continue reading “Field Improvements Status”


It is SO. MUCH. SAFER. wow!!! Look at all these cars back-in parking on Albemarle. Hooray!! This is the first time this road has been safe since it has perhaps existed (or at least in decades!). thank you to everyone who worked on this!!

Traffic Meeting – Monday 4/3 – 6pm

Dear Friends, Great news – Newton’s Traffic Council approved a 20 MPH Safety Zone around Albemarle last week. This is a first step toward safer movement for everyone in the area. THANK YOU, Friends of Albemarle, for taking action and signing the petition! Next Monday Meeting Update: Traffic Calming at Albemarle  There’s an online meeting this Monday and weContinue reading “Traffic Meeting – Monday 4/3 – 6pm”

Field Notes: Spring 2022

Dear Friends,  Welcome to the spring newsletter of Friends of Albemarle!  When sports teams and forsythia pop out on the field, and Avery Woods gets leafy once again…it must be spring. Spring! Well, this is one action-packed spring at Albemarle, and I’m not talking sports.  We’ve got updates on redesign of the fields and the pool, both of which will beContinue reading “Field Notes: Spring 2022”

Fields & Pool: Planning Sessions

Monday March 21: 7pm  Albemarle Master Plan and Gath PoolParks & Recreation Commission Meeting  Near the beginning of the meeting, PRC will present updated information on the Albemarle Master Plan as well as the connected option of the new Gath Pool designs. This includes a splash pad where the tennis courts currently stand and two pools that connect to each other. PublicContinue reading “Fields & Pool: Planning Sessions”