Take the Survey!

Your perspective is vital to planning a future vision for Albemarle (fields and park; see definition below). The link below takes you to a survey on your use of Albemarle Park. Please take 10-15 minutes to share insight into your priorities for this important open space in Newton. https://forms.gle/YSsFfChFSNGo6jpA9 Deadline: Sunday March 13 Details Who created the survey?Continue reading “Take the Survey!”

Lights at Murphy? Site Visit Announcement From Parks, Rec and Culture

The Parks and Recreation Commission will be holding an in-person meeting to conduct a site visit for the purpose of evaluating the appropriateness to allow for a light system to be installed on Murphy Field, within Albemarle Park.  The light system proposal can be viewed here:  https://www.newtonma.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/79913/637783526331030000 The DRAFT meeting minutes of the public hearing in January, (theContinue reading “Lights at Murphy? Site Visit Announcement From Parks, Rec and Culture”

March, Merch, Mobility, Members

A few headlines in March: Our friends at Bike Newton are circulating a petition for stronger support of bike-friendly infrastructure in Newton. The pandemic has brought out a passion for cycling in many people, and there are many reasons to make this environmentally-friendly, healthy, fun activity a daily habit. But for that to happen, itContinue reading “March, Merch, Mobility, Members”