
Natural resources + community gathering space + recreation and field facilities = many opportunities to invest in Albemarle!

Use your passion to help make our community the best it can be.

Gath Pool

Gath Pool has been a place where people delight in the joy of water, learn to swim, and cool down on hot summer days with a healthy outdoor activity. Since 1965, it has been the home for hundreds of thousands of swimming lessons, recreation camps, adult exercise classes and senior rehabilitation sessions. It is a daily practice space for the city’s record-holding swim team, the Newton Bluefish, as well as the site for the extensive regional competition for the Summer Suburban Swim League.

Gath Pool also serves as a crucial swim, play and learning space for the many residents who don’t have access to a private pool.

Today, Gath Pool has a 5% rate of water loss, totaling a staggering 18,000 gallons per day. While repairs and maintenance are continually made, a bigger fix is needed. In partnership with Newton Parks and Recreation, Friends of Albemarle is committed to ensuring that Newton can retain an outdoor pool that serves the community in the long term.

Our Fields

Albemarle contains the most heavily-used athletic field in this city of 90,000. Every part of it is in high demand, with players of soccer, baseball, Ultimate frisbee, softball, lacrosse and football all jockeying for practice and competition space. Maintenance, usage and improvement needs require creative advocacy and a commitment to collaborating for healthy outdoor recreation. Start here by signing this petition from our friends at Fix Newton’s Fields.

And more!

The many possibilities for other initiatives include:

  • Bike and Pedestrian Safety
  • Trail and Wetland Ecology
  • Tennis and Basketball Court Improvement and Maintenance
  • Traffic and Parking Management
  • Community Engagement