FY25 Community Project Funding for the Albemarle Stormwater and Phosphorus Control Project

May 1st, 2024

The Honorable Jake Auchincloss

1524 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC, 20515-2104

Via email

Re:      FY25 Community Project Funding Application

Dear U.S. Representative Auchincloss,

As President of the Friends of Albemarle, I am pleased to support the City of Newton’s application for FY25 Community Project Funding for the Albemarle Stormwater and Phosphorus Control Project.

This project will allow Newton to reduce nutrient pollution entering the Charles River through Cheesecake Brook which cause harmful algal blooms and negatively impacts ecosystem health within the watershed. It will also address the increasing threat of localized flooding throughout the Albemarle Corridor by increasing flood storage and reducing total runoff volume.

Cheesecake Brook and the Albemarle Corridor play a significant role in the social fabric of Newton, providing valuable access to nature and a place for recreation and relaxation for its residents. As demonstrated in recent years, the threat of climate change brings ever increasing storm intensity and frequency. The proposed green and gray infrastructure in this project will help capture, treat, and infiltrate stormwater runoff, furthering the City’s MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) improvement efforts as required under the Clean Water Act.

We applaud the City of Newton for prioritizing resilience planning and taking proactive steps to address the challenges posed by climate change. I am confident that the successful implementation of this project will strengthen our community’s climate resilience as well as the public’s use and enjoyment of a valued natural space.


Cedar Pruitt

President of Friends of Albemarle

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